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Livestock Exhibitors


Market Steer Exhibitors

  • All requirements must be met on or before January 4th, 2023 (120 Days before Fair)
  • Steers must be tagged in the animal’s right ear (Tags and tagger supplied by the Fairgrounds)
  • A hair sample from the tail must be returned in the sealed, plastic bag provided by the Fair with the exhibitor’s name and ear tag number (See attached guide).
  • A picture of the animal and exhibitor must be emailed to info@tehamadistrictfair.com (The animal’s ear tag must be visible).
  • The exhibitor’s tag number, hair sample, and picture MUST be turned into the Fair Office on or before January 4th, 2023.
The Fairground’s staff will be available to assist in tagging steers on Thursday, December 15th from 4:00 – 6:00PM at the Beef Scales.

Market Lamb, Goat, & Hog Exhibitors
  • All requirements must be met on or before March 6th, 2023 (60 Days before Fair)
  • Animals must be tagged in the animal’s right ear, or whichever ear the scrapie tag is not in. (Tags and tagger supplied by the Fairgrounds)
  • Pigs must be tagged with their ear tag visible on the outside of their ear.
  • A hair sample must be returned in the sealed, plastic bag provided by the Fair with the exhibitor’s name and ear tag number (See attached guide).
  • A picture of the animal and exhibitor must be emailed to info@tehamadistrictfair.com (The animal’s ear tag must be visible).
  • The exhibitor’s tag number, hair sample, and picture MUST be turned into the Fair Office on or before March 6th, 2023.

The Fairgrounds will have staff available to assist in tagging by appointment.

Market Animal Tagging

Livestock Award Sponsors

Are you interested in being an award sponsor for the fair? Would you like to personally or have your business sponsor a belt buckle, banner or bag for the exhibitors this year for the Tehama District Fair? Please complete the form and return it to the Fair Office. You can even pick a specific award from the list if you would like. Thanks again for all the support for the Livestock Exhibitors!

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